詹妮弗·斯沃茨-莱文博士.D | 教师

艺术学院院长, 教育, 人文学科, 及社会科学; Professor of English and Director of the Writing Center

1 (440) 375-7456




罗伊斯大厅- 304


Dr. 珍妮弗一. 斯沃茨-莱文是艺术学院院长, 人文学科, 及社会科学, 英语教授, and the Director of the Writing Center at Lake Erie College in Painesville, 俄亥俄州. Swartz-Levine’s recent publications include “Staking Salvation: The Reclamation of the Monstrous Female in Dracula” in The Midwest Quarterly (Summer 2016). 这篇文章还获得了第23届维克多J. 埃米特纪念奖 from Pittsburg State University, which is the home of The Midwest Quarterly. Other recent publications include 《365网站》中的女权主义” in The Ages of the 正义联盟: Essays on America’s Greatest Heroes in Changing Times (2017), “Approved by the Comics Code Authority: Saving America’s Youth from Juvenile Delinquency” in Historical and Pedagogical Issues in History: Insights from the Great Lakes History Conference (2017), 和“绿巨人坠毁”! 珍·沃尔特斯的进化, or How Marvel Comics Learned to Stop Worrying about Feminism and Love the Gamma Bomb” in The Ages of the Incredible Hulk (2015). She was a keynote speaker at the Batman in Popular Culture conference at Bowling Green State University in 2019 and a guest on the 正义联盟 International: Bwah-Ha-Ha 播客 in 2020. Swartz-Levine also serves as an Executive Board member of the 俄亥俄州大学英语协会.


One of the truly special elements of a Lake Erie College education is the close relationships students develop with faculty. Our small classes are rigorous and lead to engaged classroom discussions, 在工作室课程中动手学习的机会, class-related field trips to local and regional cultural sites, 以及丰富的实习机会. Our faculty are well known in their fields, as well, so our students get to study with the very best.

Because of those well-connected faculty who work closely with students to identify their career goals and intellectual passions, our students have pursued internships at major communication firms, 在政治外地办事处, 在出版社, 在当地的艺术工作室, 在电视网络, 在地方和州政府机构工作, 在国际遗产地, 在律师事务所, 在历史学会, 在社会服务社区组织工作.

学生们还凭借他们的作品赢得了全国比赛, 最近还获得了美国平面设计奖, which recognizes outstanding achievement in the field of graphic design. It is the mentorship of our Lake Erie College faculty that enables our students to dream big dreams and set big goals, as we equip students with the knowledge and critical thinking skills to achieve their career and life ambitions. Guiding students in empowering themselves as they chart a life of personal and professional significance is a hallmark of a Lake Erie College education. All of that starts in the small classes and lifelong mentoring relationships that develop once a student joins our Storm family.

  • Ph.D.,英语,凯斯西储大学,2002年8月

  • M.A.肯特州立大学,1997年5月

  • B.A.1995年5月,肯特州立大学,英语


  • 俄亥俄州大学英语协会, 2012年4月“超级英雄, 超人才, and the 人文学科 Classroom: Using Graphic Novels to Teach Writing”

  • 中西部维多利亚研究协会, April 2012 "The Forgotten Women of England: the Single Woman, 的妓女, 以及法律的缺失”

  • 中西部英国研究会议, November 2011 "The Wife and the Widow: Coverture Law in Wuthering Heights and Middlemarch”

  • 俄亥俄州大学英语协会, April 2011 "‘谁 Are You? 谁? 谁?: Online Identity and Presentation of Self in the First-Year Composition Classroom”

  • 中西部英国研究会议, October 2010 "‘But the Undertakers Urge Her On’: The Cultural Construction of Mourning in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Mary Barton”


  • “Approved by the Comics Code Authority: Saving America’s Youth from Juvenile Delinquency,” The Role of Agency and Memory in Historical Understanding: Revolution, 改革, 和反抗, Ed. 戈登P. 安德鲁和尤赛D. Wagandi. Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars Press, June 2017. 160-172.

  • 《365网站》中的女权主义,” The Ages of the 正义联盟: Essays on America’s Greatest Heroes in Changing Times. Ed. 约瑟夫Darowski. 杰弗逊,北卡罗来纳州:麦克法兰出版社,2017年4月. 172-185.

  • “Staking Salvation: The Reclamation of the Monstrous Female in Dracula,” The Midwest Quarterly, 57.4(2016年夏季). 2016年《365网站》维克多·J. 埃米特纪念奖.

  • “女绿巨人暴跌! 珍·沃尔特斯的进化, or How Marvel Comics Learned to Stop Worrying about Feminism and Love the Gamma Bomb.” The Ages of the Incredible Hulk: Essays on the Green Goliath in Changing Times. Ed. 约瑟夫Darowski. 杰弗逊,北卡罗来纳州:麦克法兰出版社,2015年11月. 78-92.


  • 大众文化协会, 15-18 April 2020 CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19 “Moneypenny Deadly: The Spy Game of 天鹅绒

  • 中大西洋流行文化协会, 7-9 November 2019 “’Now We Play for Beer and Cable’: Greg Rucka’s 斯坦普顿 作为女权主义者 罗克福德 终极版”

  • 中西部流行文化协会, 10-13 October 2019 “’Where We’re Going We Don’t Need Roads’: The Young Feminists of 女孩纸

  • 大众文化协会, 17-20 April 2019 “This New Detergent Gets Blood Stains Out! 郊区和连环杀人案 女士杀手

  • 大众文化协会, 28 March-1 April 2018 “Bitch is the New Orange: Subversion and Non-Compliance in the Women-in-Prison Comic, 狗娘养的星球

  • 中西部流行文化协会, 18-22 October 2017 “How Big of a B was Barda? 女性主义在吉芬/德马蒂斯中的陪衬作用 正义联盟

  • 《英国365网站》.《365网站》.3 (2014). 网络.

  • "MySpace, 脸谱网, and Multi-Modal Literacy in the Writing Classroom.Kairos PraxisWiki 15.2(2011年春季). 网络

  • "‘Personal Property at Her Disposal’: Inheritance Law, the Single Woman, and The Moonstone.《维多利亚时代的感觉:一种丑闻体裁的随笔. Ed. 理查德·芬蒂娜和金伯利·哈里森. 俄亥俄州立大学出版社,2006年10月. 160-169.


  •  “Holy Bat Heartbreak: The Long Dark Knight of the Soul,” Batman in Popular Culture Conference, Bowling Green State University, 12-13 April 2019

  • 维克多J. 埃米特纪念演讲, “The Golden Lasso of Truthiness: A Complicated History of Women in/and Comics,匹兹堡州立大学, 2016年9月8日.

  • “The Superman Revolution” panelist at the Case Western Reserve University Baker-Nord Center for the 人文学科, 3月19日.


美国正义联盟第30期的嘉宾, “JLI 播客 #30: 正义联盟 America #30/正义联盟 Europe #5” 正义联盟 International: Bwah-Ha-Ha 播客. 2020年1月26日. http://fireandwaterpodcast.com/podcast/jli-30/ 

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